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1What happens to my information if I deactive my account?

On occasion, we understand that it is necessary for you to deactivate your account. We know that you might have genuine concerns about what happens to your information during a deletion.

If you choose to delete your Heirloom Safe membership and account, rest assured that all of your personal information will also be immediately and completely deleted from the live site.

The only information we may retain is your name, email address and date/time that you deleted your account. The basic information retained gives us the ability to answer any likely future questions about the deletion of your account.

Information stored on our backup system deletes during the operational purge which normally occurs within 48 hours.


2How does my family access my account after I pass?

At Heirloom Safe, we understand that no one likes to think about their eventual demise. However, certain planning steps should always be implemented to ensure that your family can access your account after you pass.

If you add a Deputy or change the permissions of an existing Deputy, then you must choose which sections of your plan you wish to share immediately, and which sections will remain locked until after your passing.

Rest assured that any sections that you choose to remain locked after your demise will remain unavailable to your Deputy until after your death.

To unlock your After Death sections, you must assign one of your Deputies with the responsibility and permission to report your death directly to Heirloom Safe. Upon proof of your death, our team will initiate the unlocking process.

After your death is reported, the Deputy must wait for a certain period of time while the team at Heirloom Safe attempts to reach you via email with the choice to block the unlocking. You can design the wait time prior to your death. Depending on your last wishes, the Deputy may be required to wait up to 30 days after your passing.

After sending the email and waiting the designated time, if our team at Heirloom Safe does not hear back from you then they will mark you as deceased in the database. At that time, your “After Death” sections are unlocked to your Deputy.

3Can I redownload documents that I have uploaded?

Yes, you are allowed to re-download any private documents that you have uploaded to your account dashboard.


4What should I do if I forget my pasword?

On occasion, everyone forgets their password. If you forget your password, simply click on the Forgot Password link located on the login page.

You’ll be required to enter the email you used to create your account. You then click the button to email yourself detailed instructions on how to reset your password.

5Can my lawyer have access to my account?

Your security and privacy are our number one priority. At Heirloom Safe, our team does not have access to your sensitive personal information.

We limit the access of our administrators’ to only the data needed to grant you access to your account (via triggered confirmation emails). Our team can also help you restrict access to your account during urgent situations such as limiting or removing access.

Heirloom Safe administrators can never see your plan information or any documents that you upload to the system. They only have limited access to meta-data.

In addition, Heirloom Safe audits and logs all access to your account that is conducted by you, your Deputies, or an administrator.

6How do I get in touch with customer support?

Our virtual assistant service team is standing by Monday - Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm PST to help you with general questions, billing concerns, or security inquiries


7How do I explain to my family that my important documents are all digital?

Heirloom Safe is an archival storage system that lets you store valuable information digitally in the event that something should happen to you. Our system helps you organize and share information with designated individuals referred to as “Deputies.”

Advance planning is a caring act that you can conduct to help loved ones in the event you should pass away. Whether you are a senior, newlyweds, or new parent, it is important to have your affairs in order so that your last wishes are appropriately conducted.

With Heirloom Safe, you can store information in a single, secure place that is easily accessible by your Deputies upon your demise. Providing easy access to important pieces of information will help your family and loved one’s cope and make any necessary transitions.

The process of using Heirloom Safe is easy. The system guides you through each step and then helps you organize and share the information.

8What makes Heirloom Safe different from dropbox?

Heirloom Safe takes things to the next level and functions as far more than a safe storage solution. With Heirloom Safe, all of your personal documents are stored in an online digital vault. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that at the end of your life, anyone you designate will have access to your most important documents such as property titles, estate plan, vaccination records, identification, pink slips, and more.

Upon your passing, our team will notify your Executor and Representatives. Your Executor will then follow the steps in the email to safely login to Heirloom Safe where they will be asked to complete further security questions to download your will.

9Can I unlock dashboard features one at a time?

Yes, with Heirloom Safe, you can choose to upgrade from our Good Plan to our Better or Best plan which unlocks additional features and storage options.

10What happens to my acccount if I am in a medical coma?

I’ll wait to hear back about your protocol on this section. I would think that after a designated time the Deputy or whoever has power attorney would be granted access to necessary documents. However, I do not know your process.

11Can my doctors access my account?

Heirloom Safe takes your privacy seriously. Only individuals who you have designated as Deputies can access your account.

You’ll need to go to the “My Deputies” page which you’ll find under Secure Sharing

  • Click on “Add Your First Deputy.”

  • Enter the Deputy’s name, email address, and relationship.

  • Assign another Deputy if you so desire.

  • Click on “Choose Permissions.”

  • Change permissions for any sections to “After Death” if you wish the information to only be made available to your Deputy after your demise.

  • Select “Never” if you do not wish to share the information.

  • Preview the invitation email and add a personalized message

  • Send the invitation to your chosen Deputy/Deputies.

  • Visit the “My Deputies” page and you’ll see a status of “Pending.” Once the Deputy accepts your invasion then the status automatically changes to “Active.”


12How many processers can I put on my account?

info will be available soon

13Can I request my online accounts like lyft and grub hub are deleted after I pass?

info will be available soon

14What happens if my family does not know how to use my account?

Send a Deputy invitation to whichever family member or loved one you want to function as your Deputy (you can also choose more than one Deputy).

Once the family member receives the Deputy invitation via email, they can then click on the Accept Invitation option to create a free and secure account.